Our Services
At Good Witch Wellness & Apothecary we specialize in women’s health issues that span from menarche to menopause using acupuncture, Whole Systems East Asian Medicine, functional nutrition & mind-body techniques. We treat infertility & offer pregnancy and postnatal support, as well as care for teens and adolescents experiencing menstrual or hormonal issues. Our patients are aiming to conceive naturally or with the support of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) like intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in-vitro fertilization (IVF) under the care of their reproductive endocrinologist or gynecologist.
Additionally, we treat offer Cosmetic Acupuncture a.k.a. “Acupuncture Face-Lift” as a long lasting alternative to Botox when used as recommended by our specialists.
Acupuncture & East Asian Medicine treat the who patient who may be experiencing: orthopedic pain, migraines, anxiety, postpartum depression, PMS, endocrine disorders like PCOS, digestive issues (IBS, IBD, Crohn’s), perimenopause or post menopausal symptoms, thyroid & autoimmune disorders, insomnia, labor support, breech baby presentation, & more.
Telemedicine for New & Existing Patients
$150-195 / 45-60 min / New Patient Telemedicine
Our 45-60-minute new patient appointment will take place in a a virtual HIPPA-compliant, mask-free space where you and your practitioner will meet face-to-face, smile to smile, socially distanced via the internet.
Together we will discuss all of the wonderful and complex details that make you you. This intake is informed by both Whole Systems East Asian Medicine and western biomedicine, and you can be sure that no detail is too small under our infinite lens as we navigate your history, needs, and subsequent treatment plan.
We also offer telemedicine for existing patients who are wanting to check in with their practitioner for treatment plan updates, herb or supplement review, or for additional support between in-person visits.
Acupuncture & Cupping
$120-150 / 45-60 min
Acupuncture is an umbrella term for needles, cupping, guasha, moxibustion, ear seeds, magnets, and body palpation. Your visit will include a quicker evaluation, plus pulse and tongue diagnosis, followed by a nap on a warm table with infrared light on your feet or tummy, a cozy blanket, soothing music, and needles, cups or both. You may also include LED light therapy for an additional fee to add a deeper level of healing and comfort.
Acupuncture is indicated for treating stress, infertility, insomnia, orthopedic pain, migraines, menstrual disorders, PCOS, breech baby, labor support, autoimmune disease, gastrointestinal disorders, anxiety, depression, PMS and anything that may ail you.
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“If there is free flow, there is no pain. Where there is pain, there is no free flow.” The Yellow Emperor
Cosmetic Treatments
Facial Acupuncture, Mei Zen, Facial Cupping, MicroNeedling
$120 - 325 / 45-90min
Good Witch offers a variety of cosmetic facial treatments that are often considered to be alternatives to more invasive medical treatments, such as Botox.
Our practitioners offer acupuncture, facial cupping, gua sha, and lymphatic drainage techniques to encourage your body’s innate systems of restoration. Regular treatments have best results (10 treatments). Results from cosmetic acupuncture treatments can last for up to a year or more with occasional maintenance.
Micro needling uses a device using little needles that enter the deep levels of your comfortably-numb skin to encourage collagen production, deep healing, and lasting restoration.
Microneedling treatments are recommended at once per month treatment for 4-6 months.
Profound Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture Treatments Include:
Improved facial elasticity & tone
Decreased hyperpigmentation
Increased water and oil levels in the skin
Decreased puffiness
Improved lymphatic drainage
Reduced acne and acne scarring
Reduced eye wrinkles
Reduced pores
Reduced lines & wrinkles
Tightener skin tone
Enhanced overall facial rejuvenation
Hair regrowth (AcuPen microneedling)
** Please talk to your practitioner prior to scheduling if you use Botox or fillers, are pregnant, suffer from migraines or have a history of hypertension, as you may not be a candidate for cosmetic services at this time.
Additional Treatments & Services
Chinese Herbal Medicine / Nutritional Consult
$75 - 190 / 60min
While nutritional recommendations & Chinese herbal consultations are a part of your regular acupuncture visit, you may not have the time or desire to have an acupuncture treatment. And that’s totally okay. We got you. Good Witch Wellness treats most women’s health issues with Chinese medicine, and, of course nutrition (food is medicine, after all), and this can be done over telemedicine.
Your first visit will be a comprehensive look into what makes you who are - complications and delights! We integrate Whole Systems Chinese Medicine and western biomedical data, information you share (ALL the little details, please), and create a plan that you can live with that includes supplements, nutritious meal plans, and even Chinese herbal formulas to do some behind the scenes heavy lifting.
Food is medicine and medicine should be food.
- Chinese Proverb
Photobiomodulation: LED Light Therapy
$30 / Celluma add on to any treatment
LED therapy has been used for decades for a variety of healthcare issues, from anti-aging & acne skin care to pain management & recovery to athletic performance support. We also use Celluma light therapy to support our patients experiencing fertility challenges, as LED therapy has been shown to support deep tissue repair, and the idea is that at points of contact along the lower back and abdomen, LED will penetrate into the deeper levels of the body to improve blood circulation and even improve reproductive function.
LED light therapy is deeply restorative and comforting, leaving you feeling warm, cozy and energized. It is also wonderful for post-operative healing as it aids in reducing inflammation by bringing your natural healing elements to the rescue. For more information on the benefits of LED light therapy, click here.
Like the sun which emits countless rays, compassion is the source of all inner growth and positive action. Its power can transform ourselves and others so that our lives become radiant and light.
- Green Tara
Photobiomodulation: LifeWave™ Patching
$115 / 75min
In the same vein as LET light therapy, Phototherapy Patching is an innovative system of photobiomodulation (the same process that helps us transform sunshine into vitamin D) that acts very much like acupressure, while stimulating stem cells, boosting glutathione levels, and delivering the homeostatic benefits of acupuncture in a handy, little sticker-like patch. All in the comfort of your own home. No needles, no stress!
Click here to learn more about Phototherapy Patching, or make an appointment with Dr. Tiffinie for a personalized treatment plan and to learn which patches are best for you or your family.
The Medicine of the Future will be the medicine of energetic frequencies. ~ Albert Einstein